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Help Fund Grassroots Trauma Recovery in South Sudan

Support Rapid, Local Trauma Recovery Processes For A Peaceful Prosperous South Sudan

$60,829 raised

$100,000 goal

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South Sudan Grassroots Trauma Recovery Project


On June 27 2018, a signed peace accord officially ended the armed conflict in South Sudan between warring factions – the South Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) and the SPLA - In Opposition (SPLA-IO) Yei River State.

Previously spared from the most intense violence when civil war broke out in 2013, Yei had made considerable developmental progress since independence. However, it became a hot spot in July 2016 after opposition leader Riek Machar's departure from Juba. As a result, more than 10,000 Yei residents fled to refugee camps in neighboring Uganda, NGOs evacuated personnel and an estimated 100,000 residents have been stranded with food in short supply and no means of escape (UNHCR)

But the path forward will be a difficult one. The conflict has torn at the social fabric of South Sudan: Millions have suffered severe hunger, the economy is in shambles and more than 2.5 million citizens have fled the country. Hundreds of thousands more — mostly members of minority ethnic groups — are internally displaced, with many sheltering in camps administered by the United Nations.

The Trauma Project is a collaborative effort to provide rapid fire, grassroots trauma recovery. We know that long after roads are regraded, schools reopened, and crops planted and harvested the future peace and prosperity of this country relies on her ability to forgive. While trauma of this magnitude will take generations to heal, the process must start now with communal story telling and shared pain. Your investment here and now will make the future hopes and dreams of a nation possible.