Create Hope Now

Your Investment is Game Changing

Create Hope Now  image


raised towards $225,781 goal



We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Your Investment is Game Changing

At the end of 2021, we had just launched a new initiative to see women pump mechanics fixing wells in South Sudan. “Watch and see what these women do in 2022” was our challenge.

We are delighted to report that we now have 15 teams of highly motivated pump mechanics. These courageous women-led teams will complete 300 well repairs this year alone!

The game is officially changed!

A quarter of a million people are now experiencing the hope-giving power of clean water. That is what we do because water is basic!

This year-end, we seek to fund the ENTIRE operational budget for South Sudan for 2023. We want to be sure no pump mechanic will have to wait for parts and no village will have to wait for clean water. Next year, we will launch in a new state, and our goal is to grow our repair rate by fifty percent.

I hope those kinds of numbers inspire you.